Why I Love Being a Housewife

Woman’s Work 

The whole boss bitch movement has really fucked with the modern housewife’s mentality. Where making a house into a home used to be the pinnacle of a woman’s work, we have now been indoctrinated to believe that homemaking is somehow beneath us. 

We have been made to feel that our household chores are only a necessary evil that we should carry out with disdain. That instead of reveling in the beauty of our duty, we should “level up” from the debased role of housemaid, and leave behind this shameful “woman’s work.” 

Queen of the Castle, Priestess of the Temple 

These modern notions completely disregard the truth that man and wife or king and queen, are one system. That the home is not only included in their empire, but it is essential to it. It also denies the very real need the feminine has to nourish and nurture her man and her family. Not to mention, these modern feminist ideologies displace men from their inherent and natural dominion over being providers. It isn’t that I believe women should not have power equal to a man’s, it’s that I believe a woman’s power is different. While a woman is and should be the Queen ruling side by side with her King, she is also the high priestess of the home temple. Without which, the warrior that the man naturally is, cannot be replenished or restored for his next battle out in the world. 

Battle Weary Soldiers 

The world can be likened to an endless war game. The burdens that men carry in it are much different than what a woman has to bear. This isn’t to diminish any one side of it, only to open the eyes of each to the importance of the other. Women, especially feminist women, like to forget men’s contributions to the world, just as much as some men forget the value of what women inherently hold. 

Men build infrastructure and provide barriers of protection for their women and children. Within the walls of that safety, only then can a woman use her creative force to make more out of the provisions provided by her man. She takes ingredients and makes a meal. She takes his life force and DNA and makes new humans. She takes a house and makes it a home. She takes whatever raw materials he brings her and turns them into a thing of beauty, comfort, and/or joy. 

But What About Fuck Boys? 

Some of you might want to argue and site all kinds of examples of men who do not provide for their women or children that way. Those are boys that need to grow the fuck up. I’m not speaking about them and you need to stop choosing them by the way. There are plenty of good men in the world who know how to be men. Your unhealed trauma just won’t let you pick them. I said what I said. That’s another topic for another day though. 

But I’m a Boss Bitch and I Don’t Need No Man 

Yes, lots of women would argue that they are perfectly fine doing the providing, but I assure you, they are not. A career driven woman still requires being held by the masculine in her partner, or else she cannot continue to do what she does without sacrificing her well being. It is a primal, involuntary need. It is biological and chemical. It has nothing to do with what we can do. It has everything to do with what we were made to do. The female biology lends itself to more feminine expressions by nature. To ignore this is to do a great disservice to the perfection of the cosmic design and your nervous system. 

What About the Children? 

Childrearing is also meant to be shared. But it is the woman’s primary responsibility, for damn good reason. Children need the feminine influence to learn how to be human and regulate their emotional and nervous systems. When they reach a maturity level where they can learn the ways of the world, the masculine parent can then prepare them for that external role. Sure a man can raise young children and a woman can go out and work, but it isn’t ideal. To say otherwise is a lie. The children suffer, because they are not receiving the correct set of skills and nourishment at the correct times in their development. This isn’t to shame anyone living in the opposite polarities, it is only to tell you the truth. 

But What If I Like to Hustle 

First of all, no you don’t. Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. Even if a woman believes her true desire is to hustle and grind, her monthly cycles will beg to differ. To push through life in a masculine way, in a masculine world, has devastating effects on a woman’s body. To keep up with the demands of the outside world, she has to disconnect from her body, her receptivity and her natural ebbs and flow of energy. 

She has to harden and deny the more tender and emotional parts of her nature. She can no longer soften and stay open to channel her spiritual gifts. She ends up cutting off her heart from the source of all of her power, her pussy. A woman disconnected from her pussy loses the source of her magic, and the nourishment that feeds the world. Most women who live like this, believe that they are working towards empowering the feminine. They are not. They are simply empowering the notion that women have to be more like men to be valued. The truth is the opposite. The feminine has value all on its own. 

Yin and Yang 

Masculine and feminine are not separate, but two parts of one unit. We were meant to work together like yin and yang. One energy internal, receptive, nourishing, nurturing, emotional, magnetic. The other external, penetrating, protecting, providing, physical, electric. A woman’s natural state is the bridge between the unseen and the seen. She protects and shields the masculine on the emotional and energetic realms, just as he protects and provides for the feminine in the physical. She provides sustenance and material from spirit, just as he provides it in the physical. He is fed by her and she is fed by him. Her desire catalyzes and his work executes. His power is physical, hers is spiritual. Neither can rule without the other. They are one. 

Men and Women Are Teammates, Not Opponents. 

Life is a team sport, and as such, everyone can’t play the same positions. It makes absolutely no sense to have both partners hustling out in the world playing the masculine role, while no one is taking care of the children or the home. If that’s what you want, you want a business partner, not a spouse. Yes, both parents can work full time and hire help to take care of everything else. Yes, the house and the children are technically taken care of that way. Taken care of, does not mean that they are taken care of well, however. If the lifestyle pushed upon us by feminism and corporate greed was actually beneficial, the world would be in a much different state. Of course that’s just my humble little opinion. 

Stop Demonizing Gender Roles 

It isn’t that a man can’t be the one in charge of traditionally feminine roles, it’s just that there aren’t many men who can achieve that without becoming emasculated by the unconscious resentments of his woman. The feminine naturally needs to be held by the masculine. The masculine thrives by providing that holding. When she has to give up her softness in order to live and work on the front lines of a man’s world, without a place to take off her own armor, everyone suffers. 

All women, even those that really do enjoy being the breadwinner, want and need a man who is ultimately more masculine than she is. A man that can give her a structure of safety and a sense of being held. Women are made to be magnetic, creative, and magical. They absolutely can be out in the world and maintain this sustainably, but not in a masculine way. That is another conversation all together. 

Men and Women’s Needs Are Inverse, Not Opposites 

A man needs very similar things, as his woman, for himself. After a day out in battle with the world, he wants and needs a soft place to land. A place where he is allowed to feel and be held and nourished. Contrary to popular belief, men do have feelings. They are just very well practiced in putting them aside to get what needs to get done, done. In ancient times, the temples provided a place for battle weary warriors to come and have the war loved out of them. Without this crucial service, men could not continue to fight. So yes, you are the Queen of the Castle, ruling in the world alongside your man. But even more importantly, you are the High Priestess of the Temple, where all can come to be loved and nourished, and held by the softness of the feminine expressed through you. 

Shifting Perspective 

It is this perspective shift that made all the difference for me. Living a life of domestic responsibilities, when you are more than capable of building an empire yourself, is not sexy to your ego. But realizing that the home is part of that empire, and that you are the priestess of the temple that makes all the magic happen, is another thing entirely. I don’t think of the chores as “cleaning up everyone else’s mess”. I think of it as clearing the energy in our holy dwelling. Keeping the space open and free, allows it to be filled with more and more divine magic. It becomes a place of rest and connection and sanctuary, not only for your man, but for all who enter. 

A Higher Purpose 

The reason that I feel so fulfilled and turned on at the end of a long day of homemaking is because of the way I perceive it all. I am not a Queen stuck in the castle while my husband gets all the recognition and all of the glory. I am the High Priestess of My Temple; a sexual sorceress, and a domestic fucking goddess. I channel through my body the divine energy that feeds his worldly success, which is also mine. 

He provides raw materials, and I transform them into the nourishment that allows him to continue to fight and build every day. He gives me his strength, protection, resources and safety. In return I give him a soft, beautiful, and luscious woman to come home to. With a turned on pussy directly connected to source, the only thing he cannot provide for himself. My home and my body as a temple, become a place of peace and restoration where he feels safe to soften into the emotional intimacy that connects him back to God(ess). If that is not a higher purpose, then I don’t know what is. 


You don’t have to become a Boss Bitch to be important or of value. Hussy Homemaking is not and has never been beneath us. It is in fact, the most important job in human history. Without it, nothing can exist. If you remember that your home is a temple, and you are a priestess, everything will change for you. It will cease to be a burden, and become an honor, a pleasure, and intimate worship all at once. 


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