Housewife Daily Tuesday 3/01/22

Spring Has Sprung 

Welcome to March y’all! The weather is warming up in the daytime and that is both delightful and terrifying. We won’t get much time before it’s in the triple digits here, so I am doing my best to enjoy it. The kids are feeling much better, and I’m actually on the treadmill today while writing this. 

Daily Musings 

Confession, I fucking hate working out. Like, it just is not for me. I was a dancer growing up and completely spoiled by the fact that it was just something that I loved to do and didn’t have to go out of my way to do physical activity. I just can’t get on board for the working out just to work out thing. 

I was inspired by a friend to get a treadmill and just get on it everyday. That didn’t work. It wasn’t until the same friend suggested that I work and walk at the same time. I bought one of those standing desks, put a plant in the corner and something magical happened. Not only am I excited about physical activity, it really helps me get a regular writing practice in. I literally forget that I’m walking because I get so engrossed in what I’m writing. Fucking genus. 

I think the key to success in anything is knowing your unique quirks and personality, and going with that flow instead of against it. One of mine is that I need more than one reason to do something. I couldn’t just get on the treadmill to exercise. I had to get on the treadmill to exercise and work. For whatever reason that did the trick. I can see now that this trick will work well for me in almost any area where I’m reluctant or avoiding doing something. 

Daily Routine 

Not a whole lot happened on the homemaking front today. Dishes/kitchen like everyday. Oatmeal with butter, almonds and goji berries for breakfast. Threw in a load of towels one of my children had so graciously thrown into the hallway. Did a grocery run, while listening to Sammy Ingram’s YouTube channel. 

What I Made For Dinner 

Husband is away at business meetings, but I decided to cook anyway. (Not that I cook for him often. That’s another story for another day.) Grilled chicken and gnocchi with pesto and broccoli. Sounds fancy, but is actually a super fast meal. Just cook up the chicken however you like. I put salt, garlic, onion, rosemary and lemon and throw it in my cast iron skillet. The gnocchi is actually a gluten free one that I found at my local natural food store and same with the pesto. Sure I could make my own from scratch, but who has time for that honestly? Same with the broccoli. Frozen is totally fine, no matter what anyone else tells you. 

What About Dessert? 

I didn’t used to have a sweet tooth, but when I was pregnant with my second child that changed. She is the only one of my three kids that I’ve ever caught in a closet eating sugar directly from the bag, on multiple occasions. So I blame her fully for my need for sweets now. Like I need them. I don’t feel right if I’ve eaten a meal and don’t have dessert after. It is what it is. 

Before I cleaned up the kitchen, I decided to make a lemon poundcake. Also gluten free. Also not from scratch. When I went gluten free several years ago, what I missed the most was baked goods. Thankfully the gluten free food industry has gotten so much better. Magnolia Mixes is the brand that I use. It’s the moistest, most delicious boxed gluten free dessert I have found. I’m pretty sure it’s because the recipe calls for sour cream and not any other liquids. Just add eggs, butter and sour cream. 

For the icing all you need is about 1/2 a cup of powdered sugar and some lemon juice until it turns into a spreadable consistency. Once the pound cake has cooled, make the icing and slap that shit on. So good with coffee or tea. Yum!

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